Chesapeake, VA Newborn Photographer| Advice for a New Mom.
Chesapeake, Virginia Beach Newborn Photographer.
Being a newborn and family photographer, I see ALOT of new moms every week. I see the love they have for their new baby. I see the way they perk up if baby lets out a little cry. I can feel their love for their precious little peanut from across the room. Times have been a little crazy lately. Between the formula shortage, the constant shaming in Facebook “mommy groups”, or even the lack of postpartum support they receive. So I have taken it upon myself to ask REAL MOMS what some of the BEST advice they received that was pivotal in their life, to pass it along to any new mom (or even a momma of 10 kiddos!) who may find themselves reading this.
Even if just one of these helps someone somewhere, then we’ve done our job ladies!
Chesapeake, Virginia Newborn Photographer Samantha Rudolph Photography
“Best Advice” from 25 mommas just like you.
1.) “Give yourself grace, space for your own mental health, and breathe. It's okay to prioritize yourself, you can't pour from an empty cup. Don't compare yourself to social media moms EVER.” -Katie B.
2.) “Make the time to shower every day, especially during those first few weeks. You may be exhausted, but taking a shower can make you feel like you have it all together.” -Kimberly B.
3.) “All you need is a crib, car seat and a stroller - 5 outfits, diapers. All the rest is gravy. The first kid had SO much stuff. We learned by the time we had the third.” -Jane M.
4.) “Don't let your anxiety having a newborn overcome moments of joy” -Miski M.
5.) “When babies start having multiple blow outs, it's usually time to size up the diapers. If your walking kid (toddler +) starts tripping more than normal, it's probably time to size up in shoes because the shoes are too small. (We often don't notice shoe size until it's panic mode.) Always carry excess spare diapers & a change of clothes for everyone when you travel. ALWAYS check the laundry for disposable diapers prior to washing-- you will cry if you have to clean all those little beads out of the drum. (Ask me how I know. )” -Lauren S.
Chesapeake Virginia Newborn Photographer Samantha Rudolph Photography
6.) “Wing it! Do it YOUR way. You will just KNOW what is best for YOUR family. One size does not fit all.” -Necey B.
7.) “When people offer help, let them. Especially with cleaning and making food. It’s okay to tell them you’ll hang on to the baby. You are not required to share.” -Kelly M.
8.) “Advice I got for potty training. Don't stress about it, your kids not going to college wearing diapers. It'll happen when they're ready.” -Shannon H.
9.) “When it comes to your kids, always trust your gut!!” - Brie E.
10.) “Don’t be afraid to try things, if it doesn’t work, try something else.” -Revonna M.
Virginia Beach Newborn Photographer Samantha Rudolph Photography
11.) “No shame in hiding for a good cry ur still a good mom” -Denise A.
12.) “I tortured myself trying to breastfeed during my first month as a mother. I received all sorts of well-meaning advice from friends & family. I tried everything I could, but absolutely nothing worked. I finally gave up and used formula exclusively, feeling shameful and believing I was a terrible mom because “breast is best”. When I had my second child I was told I have breast hypoplasia, a condition that can render you unable to breastfeed. I later found out my grandmother had the same thing and formula fed her six children. Knowing this could have saved me so much grief and heartache in those early days.” -Katie M.
13.) “Take all those “my kids will never…” thoughts and throw the out the window. Kids humble you quick. They will have you cosleeping, bottle feeding screen time watching when you said you would never do those things.” -Jennifer O.
14.) “Don't just take pictures, be in the pictures. Bad hair, no make up, whatever...your children will not care they want to see you in the pictures with them. I am a grandmother now and my kids want to see those pictures (there are very few of them because of hair, fat,ect). You are young and beautiful. Please be in the pictures.” -Sheila S.
Chesapeake Virginia Newborn Photographer Samantha Rudolph Photography
15.) “Give yourself grace and forgiveness. As a mom sometimes we carry so much and are always trying to please so many people that we forget about ourselves as well. One thing I was told before I had my first baby was " don't blink" time goes so fast. Put down the laundry, work and play sometimes those moments are memories that will last a lifetime.” -Dawn M.
16.) “Make the time to shower every day, especially during those first few weeks. You may be exhausted, but taking a shower can make you feel like you have it all together.” -Kimberly B.
17.) “The worst that can happen is they will cry for a minute. Seriously. Take the shower, if the baby wakes up they just cry for a minute. Need a bathroom break? They might cry for a minute. Have to step away to take a breathe? They just cry for a minute. You always come back and they’ll always be okay. I was always so scared my baby would wake up and I’d be in the shower or something but it’s all okay.” -Brittany H.
18.) “House work/laundry can wait. It’s okay to ask for help! Except the help, you do not have to do it by yourself! No two kids are alike!” -Jessica S.
19.) “Establish a regimented bedtime routine. Do not deviate unless absolutely necessary. Kids thrive on routine, especially at bedtimes.” -Christin W.
20.) “My friend told me a couple weeks after I had my son: "you will have a million feelings, some contradict themselves, some even confusing... its all completely normal and they are all valid". Resonated alot.
Real world tip: onesies are designed that you can slip them down their body as well (instead of just over the head), so when they have blow out you don't have to risk getting poop on their head (lots of YouTube videos on this). Oh- and I learned the hard way: when they first wake up crying, do whatever YOU need to do for a minute before you get them (like pee or brush your teeth), bc you might not get a minute to yourself for quite awhile lol.” -Ashley T.
21.) “Don’t be afraid to decline other people’s advice and do things your way People will judge your parenting no matter what, don’t mind them. Always do what’s right for your kids how you see fit, not what other people see fit.”- Krista D.
22.) “It's all just a phase” -Miski M.
Chesapeake Virginia Newborn baby photographer Samantha Rudolph Photography
23.) “If you’re out in public and your baby starts to cry, don’t freak out! Babies cry. That's what they do. Don’t ever worry about looks people give you. You’ll actually be surprised how many sweet, kind and understanding parents there are out there that have been in that same spot as you.”- Sammi R.
24.) “You are enough. None of us are perfect moms. We have all had points where we have asked ourselves “am I good enough?” and i’m here to tell you that you are. You are everything to your baby. Just breath and remember its okay to feel your feelings. Whenever you start to put that narrative in your mind of “am I a bad mom?” I want you to CHALLENGE that thought. I want you to ask yourself to describe what a “bad mom” looks like to you, and then ask yourself if that’s you. I guarantee they are NOT. The fact that you even care enough to worry about it shows that you are, indeed, a great mom.” -Sara J.
25.) “Take everyone’s advice with a grain of salt!”- Terrilon Z.
Virginia Beach/Chesapeake, Virginia Newborn Photographer Samantha Rudolph Photography
“All in all- We want to be the best parents we can be to our babies. Advice comes at us in every which way. But no two babies are alike. No two families are alike. We can’t compare ourselves to others. Just love those babies and remember, you’re doing a great job.”
Samantha Rudolph Photography